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Teaching Methodology

The Children learn in an informal way through the PLAY WAY METHODS. The School has a separate block for the tiny tots with the latest teachings aids and toys. All efforts are made to make education a wonderful learning experience. The nursery wing is equipped with educational toys, audio visuals teaching aids and other material, which are used extensively by competent and trained teachers to make the learning creative and productive.


Hug-A-Book: All students participate in a reading programmer called Hug-A-book. Students are encouraged to read it every day. This helps to develop a love for reading, recognition and vocabulary development.



Computer education

Info Station programmer is designed to introduce children to make them   computers friendly and ultimately develop them to competent citizens of India fit to face the challenges of the age of Information Technology. .


Audio visual room and Internet facility

Teachers display relevant websites, interactive multimedia clips, presentations and other reference materials on the projector to reinforce key concepts.

From The School Desk